I keep having to sell every damn thing because I end up needing the cash. It has messed me up too many times. Just when I think I have got things figured out, I have to sell all my holdings so I can pay the mortgage.
I just had to do this. Almost went to zero. Only a handful of Agriforce (AGRI) and Standard Lithium (SLI) remained – I had to keep some sort of skin in the game.
Today, I am getting back in, even though it’s with only $100. I am finding out that when you have super limited cash to put in the market, you tend to focus more. These are the companies I am buying into to start a new investment foundation:
Yes, I am late on all of these. And I don’t care where they are at, I am going to buy them, DCA style, and just do it – even Benzinga knows Palantir is still hot for a reason. Normally I have a rule of only buying when the stock is at its lowest of the week, but not this time.
I am pretty excited about this because I haven’t had much going on since I had to rob my portfolio. But today begins the slow climb back and I will keep you updated.
Good luck with your portfolio today and thanks for reading.
P.S. Lately, I have been learning how to be a no-code developer on Make.com and if I can do it, you can too: check out Make.com. Cheers!