You just say, “Fuck it” and start selling everything.
Don’t wait until the perfect time. Don’t get sentimental. Just cut them loose.
Okay, well, I did wait till there was an ‘up day’ and started selling everything. But it was one day after I had decided I needed to sell it all, timing happen to be good.
I truly only started paying attention to trading a year ago, and I got my ass kicked. “Lucky” for me I am broke, so I didn’t have a lot of money to lose, but I lost money.
When you’re broke, losing money sucks even harder.
Sorry, daughter, I can’t buy you that new shirt for school, daddy bought Apple at the wrong time.
So, I was kind of pissed off at the whole thing and sold everything but five stocks. From 55 to five in two days of purging.
Then I pivoted my investing strategy.
Since I suck and I am an idiot, but still want to keep investing, I put my ego aside and went all in with ETF stocks.
Let someone else figure out what’s good, because I sure as hell don’t know what the hell I am doing (even though I thought I did).
Update: Since pivoting to a small about of ETF choices (with one ‘moon shot’ stock), I have been up the past two days of trading. Very very slightly up, but up.
Normally, I only have the occasional day that I am up. So, I might be making progress.
I will continue to post here and send out newsletters from here, and keep you updated so maybe you can learn from my good and bad choices, or at least be entertained.